DPPU Submits National Policy Document of NCPWD To ES, James Lalu After Commission Retreat in Abuja

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Executive Secretary, National Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Mr. James David Lalu was recently in Abuja presented with the Draft Policy Documents of the Commission by the DPPU Unit of the Commission.

The 9 operational Policy Documents which is aimed at strengthening the technical and Institutional capacity of the Commission towards delivering on its mandate as contained in the 2018 Disability Act and the Strategic Plan (2022 – 2026) was drafted by a Technical Working Group which is composed of some members of NCPWD Management team and who were inaugurated in July, 2022.

Speaking at the event, Lalu thanked the TWG led by the Technical Assistant to World Bank attached to the Commission, Dr. Adebukola Adebayo for giving the task of drafting the Policy Documents their best and “for coming up with a draft that can stand the test of time”

The ES further expressed his gratitude and his awareness of the fact that the first Draft of the Documents was reviewed by the TWG with various individual members’ imputes followed by the harmonization and production of the final Draft copy by the Development Partnership and Programs Unit (DPPU) of the Commission, guided by the Head of the Unit, Mrs Adenike Akinbola.

“We will recede to Porthacourt soon for the clause to clause review and the adoption of the Documents. This will be done by the Board Members of the Commission at the extraordinary meeting of the Council” he disclosed.

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