The Albino Foundation Public Notice
Persons with disabilities are reportedly experiencing frequent mental distress almost 5 times as often as their conterpact without disabilities.
it is estimated that over 35 million Nigerians have a disability. Many people will experience a disability at some point during their lives. Disabilities limit how a child or adult functions. These limitations may include difficulty walking or climbing stairs; hearing; seeing; or concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.
persons with disabilities are more likely than non-disabled people to have mental health issues. This includes people with physical disabilities and developmental disabilities like autism. The negative impact of poor mental health and mental illness are particularly severe among people with disabilities. In fact, adults with disabilities report experiencing frequent mental distress almost five times as often as adults without disabilities. In 2018 specifically, around adults with disabilities experienced frequent mental distress about 4.6 times more often than those without disabilities.
Cultural, biological, economic and environmental factors affect their mental health including genes, diet and life experiences. almost two thirds of disabled people saying they are chronically lonely, they are disproportionately affected by isolation and loneliness, both of which impact mental health. This has been made worse by pandemic, sit-at-home oreder as experinced in the eastern part of Nigeria
Disabled people are also often more vulnerable to negative life events and experiencing stigma. They face barriers in society that can make life harder. These barriers can be physical, cultural, attitudes and communication. these leads to poor mental health condition.
Poor mental health can make day-to-day life more difficult and leave a person feeling stressed, worried, anxious or unable to cope. adding disability in a third world country makes it even more difficult to cope. , but there are lots of things that can help a person living with a mental health problem, this include practising self-care and speaking to a counsellor.
Frequent mental distress has many damaging repercussions, including chronic disease, poor health behaviors, demoralizing limitations, and mental health disorders. People with disabilities face many challenges on a daily basis, like physical barriers, negative stereotyping, and reduced access to their communities. As a result, they’re far more susceptible to poor mental health and mental illness.
Adults with disabilities frequently lack access to healthcare due to lack of employment and fund., most persons with disabilities are living below the poverty line than those without disabilities. Additionally, people with disabilities experience abuse and neglect more often than the general population, leaving them at a higher risk for developing mental disorders that further limit their participation in everyday life.
BetterHelp seeks to removed the traditional barriers to therapy and make mental health care more accessible to everyone, irrespective of location, language and disability.
it is advised that everyone should take ownership of their mental health and work towards their personal goals. visit a mental health therapist to know your statues and get needed help.
:Francis Oliver, Inclusion Magazine