The Albino Foundation, Sightsavers, NCPWD, NHRC And Others Push For The Ratification Of The African Union’s Protocol For PWDs

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Albino Foundation and a group of experts from Sightsavers, the National Commission of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), the National Human Rights Commission and members of the Persons with Disability community came together to aid ratification of the Protocol of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa.

The African Disability Protocol ensures that Persons with Disabilities in the continent of Africa will not suffer discrimination. It considers the various African cultures with the intent of improving equality of all persons and achieving social inclusion for Africans with Disabilities.

The protocol takes into account the general observations of the UNCRPD and recognises all types of disabilities. It is also determined to protect the equal and fundamental freedoms of Persons with Disabilities by eliminating cultural myths and stereotypes associated with the Disability Community.

It fully documents the right of PWDs in various articles such as Article 10 of the treaty, titled “Freedom from Torture or Cruel, Human or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”, which mentions that State parties shall take appropriate and effective measures to ensure that PWDs are equal with Persons without Disabilities. Here are other notable articles:  Article 24; Access to Information, Article 9; Right to Libert and Security of Person, Article 11; Harmful Practises, Article 12; Situations of Risk, etc.

TAF commends the African Commission on Human and People Rights and will continue to push for ratification in the State of Nigeria as we respond to “A Call to Leave No One Behind.”

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