The Albino Foundation Public Notice
The Albino Foundation (TAF) has formed an advocacy group to address challenges faced by Persons With Disabilities in accessing justice service delivery in the FCT.
This was the outcome of a meeting held on Tuesday at The Albino Foundation’s office in Abuja comprising heads of disability cluster in the FCT.
The Founder and CEO of The Albino Foundation (TAF) in his opening remark said that the essence of meeting is to have clearer understanding of the different clusters challenges in respect to justice service delivery in the FCT.
He further stated that the meeting is part of their ongoing project towards developing a toolkit for justice service providers on disability inclusion. A project supported by ROLAC.
He said that the toolkit or rather guideline will help the justice service providers understand what is expected of them to properly enhance access for justice services by Persons With Disabilities in the FCT.
In a robust discussions and deliberations, the group decided to form an advocacy group to engage key stakeholders in the justice service delivery in the FCT such as The Police, the judiciary, the Correctional Centers, FCDA, COREN, and many others to address some challenges identified.
Some of challenges were lack of access to physical structure, police stations, courts, correctional centes etc, no sign interpreters for the Deaf persons in our police stations, courts, correctional centers, etc, negative attitude of justice service providers to persons with disabilities and other challenges pointed out.
The group agreed to take up the following activities towards addressing these challenges; advocacy visits to the key stakeholders, more awareness creation through the media, capacity building of the justice service providers and that of persons with disabilities themselves to boost their knowledge on how to demand for justice services, building partnership with the relevant duty bearers such as the National Commission for Persons With Disabilities, Ministry of Justice, FCT administration etc.
The meeting was well attended by cluster heads, Agbo Christian Obiora, Chairman, National Association of Persons With Physical Disabilities(NAPWPD) FCT, Jacob Agada, Chairman Nigerian Association of Blind (NAB) FCT, Ephraim Omoreige, Chairman Abuja Association of the Deaf(AAD), Maureen Egede Coordinator, Spinal Cord Injury Association of Nigeria(SCIAN) FCT, Engr Adejumo representing Nigerian National Association of the Deaf(NNAD), Rex Erame representing the Albinism Association of Nigeria(AAN) and Salihu Aliyu representing Persons With Leprosy (IDEA).
TQM learnt that the group will kickstart the advocacy visits soon and every cluster would be represented so that the stakeholders will have firsthand idea of what they are facing in accessing justice services.
Qualitative Magazine