Secondary Schoolmates Who Ridiculed Me When I Became Blind Shocked I Bagged Phd –UI Scholar, Biliana Okoli

The Albino Foundation Public Notice
A visually-impaired scholar, Bibiana Okoli, who on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 bagged a doctorate from the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, speaks to ALEXANDER OKERE about her struggles and triumphs
There are photos of you on social media showing that you recently got a PhD from the University of Ibadan, Oyo State. When were you awarded the doctorate and in which discipline?
I defended my PhD thesis on January 15, 2020, but due to COVID-19, the convocation was not held. So, yesterday, November 17, 2021, the ceremony was held. I received a PhD in Special Education, with specialisation in the Education of the Visually-Impaired.
Many Nigerians are celebrating your recent achievement. How did you feel when you completed the academic requirement for the doctorate?
I felt happy that I was able to overcome disability because in every disability there is an ability. I give God all the glory for making it possible for me.
What were the trying moments in your academic career journey?
There were many. When I started university education, we didn’t have our books in Braille, so we had to buy the print copies of the books and send them to Lagos for transcription in to Braille. That doubled the cost of our study materials. Also, before I entered the university, my family did not want me to travel to Ibadan due to the distance. The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board did not transcribe my examination questions into Braille and that was another challenge. It was in my third attempt at the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination that God took control and I passed with a high score. It was at that time that my family understood why I chose to study at the University of Ibadan. Before I took my first UTME, I lost my father. I also lost my younger brother who was the first son. I am the first child and daughter of my parents. My father showed me all the love I needed. I never thought he would leave us that early.
Something else happened to me that I will never forget. On January 13, 2013, when I was offered admission for my PhD, on my way to Ibadan from Anambra, we were robbed at Benin Bypass by some gunmen. After robbing us, they set our vehicle ablaze. They shot the driver but it wasn’t enough for them; they later severed his head. Other passengers of the vehicle found a way out but I was the only one left with the dead driver and the burning bus.
Credit: punchng