The Albino Foundation Public Notice
It is with deepest regret and sorrow that we announce the death of our Former Chief Executive Office, the Late Husseini Abdulraham.
The late Husseini Addulraham passed away on 28th November 2021and has since long been buried according to Islamic rites.
The void he leaves cannot be filled perfectly by anyone.
He is missed by all who knew him, his impact on people’s lives is quite extra ordinary.
In this edition, we celebrate women from all spheres of life who have spearheaded the fight to improve the lot of their gender in the world.
Indeed, women are at a disadvantage in most – if not all – facets of life. In education, for instance, many states and nations still prefer to educate boys to girls.
Various interventions to increase girls’ school enrolment, especially in the Northern part of Nigeria, has suffered huge setbacks due to kidnapping and other forms of attack on schools.
Till date, many parents are unsure of the fate of their abducted daughters and boys, who have been forcibly taken into the forest by marauding gunmen. The ‘lucky’ ones have reunited with their loved ones after paying huge ransoms, thereby leaving them in penury.

Unfortunately, attacks on schools, as in many strategic highways, still take place, leaving many with no option than to keep their children at home.
In the political clime, very few women are given the opportunity to fulfil their ambition, while their male counterparts receive preferential treatment by political parties. Even the idea of having women as running mates to show inclusivity still seems a long way off.
Nigeria is presently at 4% of women representation. Many had hoped that the passage of the Independent candidate bill would ease the burden of women having to lobby political parties to give them an opportunity. But in reality, the odds still do not favour women, despite the fact that they have proven themselves in various leadership positions.
I know some will ask, are women really taking advantage of their numbers to further the interests of their gender since democracy is a game of number? Well….
There are also the challenges of security and climate change which have significantly dwindled the already difficult to access resources at the disposal of women.
But all hope is not lost, there is a renewed awakening, a movement to fight for the rights of women and girls in the country. Several women groups are advocating for change and a passage of the Equal Opportunity Bill.
In the coming years, we hope to see more women holding important positions in governance and within other segments of the society. On our own part, as a medium promoting inclusivity, will continue to advocate for the rights of women, youths and children across all states and nations.
We would not relent neither will we be tired.
Let us join hands to make Nigeria better and greater.
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria