National Albinism Day: Association Calls For Reinstatement Of Free Skin Cancer Treatment For Members

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The community of Persons with Albinism in Nigeria has requested President Muhammadu Buhari to recall and reinstate the free medical treatment for Persons With Albinism (PWA) which was implemented by previous governments. The call was made during a press conference organized by the Albino Association of Nigeria (AAN) in Abuja. The President of the Association, Mr. Jake Epelle, outlined how successive governments from President Olusegun Obasanjo implemented the National Policy of Free Skin Cancer Treatment for PWA in Nigeria.

Mr. Epelle said “there are about 4 million PWA currently in the country who by dint of nature, struggle with one or more forms of diseases including the dreaded skin cancer. There is no gainsaying the fact that all PWAs are at great risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma of sun-exposed skin, and Black Persons with Albinism in sub-Saharan Africa are at about a 1000-fold higher risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma of the skin than the general population. This scourge of skin cancer ravaging the community of PWA is not only life-threatening but functionally decimating the lives of Nigerians who have albinism as statistics show that about 3 PWA die from it every month.”

“It is important to recount some of the efforts we have made to attract one or more interventions from the Federal Government and other important development partners targeted at improving the lot of PWA. In 2007 we had initiated a Public-Private-Partnership with the Obasanjo Administration during which the government launched a Skin Cancer Intervention for PWA at the National Hospital and other designated States and Private Hospitals.

“Although, this intervention continued through the regime of former Late President Musa Yar’adua, it was first bankrolled in 2013 by the Federal Ministry of Finance Service-wide vote. The arrangement had earmarked and expended 17.8 million Naira, alongside other useful resources for this effort. Over 5000 Nigerians with albinism got treated as a result of this opportunity. However, this milestone was seemingly discontinued under the current administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.

“The theme of this year national Albinism Day today focuses on issues around skin cancer. We have a theme “Save Our Soul from the communities of Persons with Albinism” that are struggling with skin cancer. We’re using this opportunity and the platform to say to the federal government, to just do two things for us.

“Number one, reinstate the free treatments that have been going on that previous governments started. The government of President Olusegun Obasanjo started the free treatment. And then the succeeding governments took it upon themselves to continue the process. The administration of President Buhari initially implemented the free skin cancer program, but it was truncated. And the reason given was because of scarcity of funds.

“The ravaging effect of skin cancer is killing persons with albinism. And so, something needs to be done so that those who cannot access proper medical health will begin to access it. Let me say here, categorically that I don’t think any of the hospitals in Nigeria, apart from the Teaching Hospitals can actually administer remedy for skin cancer treatment. so, the only opportunities that we have to get help is through the government platforms and establishment. There’s a need for that to be done.

“It is on paper, the directive of the late President Yar’Adua that there should be six designated hospitals. a Presidential Tax Force was set up headed by the Minister of Health then, and it was agreed in the meeting that six designated hospitals should be established so PWA can be treated across board.

“Unfortunately, the only hospital that have implemented this directive was National Hospital, Abuja. So, we are using this opportunity to plead with the federal government, The good conscience of President Muhammad Buhari to reinstate that free treatment, even if there’s going to be a partial arrangement. That means; is there any way we can say, we would contribute by way of medication. The most expensive procedure is the surgery. So, there’s a need for that treatment to be reinstated.

“It’s also important to mention here that there are other aspects of our engagement, our agitation, some of those are the Sun Smart Campaign, the campaign that goes to the community of PWA to teach them how to properly prevent themselves from being scotched by the sun, 98% reason why skin cancer plague the community of PWA is the sun.

“I am standing here today and saying that I am a survivor. I had skin cancer. Well, I was privileged to get the best medical treatment, not because of my position. it’s simply because of the goodwill that I have, many don’t have that opportunity. And we are saying, please help us reinstate this treatment, help us further increase the advocacy for the Sun Smarts Campaign, which national hospital was doing with us.

“It is estimated that an average of three persons with albinism die every month as a result of this, again, I want to state here, there is no verifiable data, this is something that we have worked on in the community and have aggregated to come to that conclusion.”

In similar vein, the General Secretary of the Association, Daniel Onah Adeniyi, called on the general public to join in signing a petition for the government to reinstate the free treatment for skin cancer. Other members of the Executive Committee also lend their voices to the campaign.

You too can lend a voice by signing the petition. Please click the link below to sign

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