Irede Foundation To Give 100 Nigerian Children Free Limbs

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Irede Foundation has announced that it would give free limbs to 100 Nigerian children living with limb loss to enable them and their families to live independent and limitless lives.

Mrs. Crystal Chigbu, Executive Director, Irede Foundation, made the announcement ahead of the global Out-On-A-Limb Awareness Walk scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday.

Chigbu said since its inception 10 years ago, the Foundation had continued to fulfil its mission of inspiring action so children living with limb loss and their families can live independent and limitless lives.

She further said, “We have given over 250 limbs to children across Nigeria and also launched the Inclusive Education Project which ensures children living with disabilities are able to thrive whilst bringing their whole selves to the academic environment.”

Chigbu explained that the awareness walk was aimed at promoting inclusion, raising critical funds and spotlighting the challenges peculiar to children and limb loss while celebrating their uniqueness, strength and their ability to thrive against all odds.

“This year’s walk will hold in multiple locations worldwide with the theme, ‘Iredians.’ The advocacy walk also aims to spotlight and promote the first-ever disability comic book in Africa, ‘Iredians’ which was launched in November 2021 to highlight the active participation of children with disabilities who are fighting against peer discrimination,” she added.

Similarly, Ms. Wuraola Kayode, Programme Director, Irede Foundation,  said in the past two years, the Foundation had unveiled an inclusive magazine for children that highlights disabilities in children, promotes inclusion, and discourages discrimination and bullying.

Kayode said, “Since the inception of this initiative, the foundation has led conversations across 40 locations globally with a direct reach of 15,000 people and an indirect reach of 10 million people globally, which has enabled the foundation the opportunity to raise awareness about Limb Loss and Limb Difference, increase top of mind awareness about the work the foundation does and the support available for target stakeholders, and raise funds to continue to empower child amputees.

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