The Albino Foundation Public Notice
By Chidimma Ajemba/Ngozika Omenankiti/ Stella Anekwe
The Anambra State Association of Persons with Albinism (ASAA) has expressed sadness over discrimination, stigmatisation and inhuman practice meted on them because of their skin colour and called for total attitudinal change.
Commemorating this year International Albinism Awareness Day, themed “United in making our voice heard” and organisation by ASAA on Friday June 10th 2022 at Prof Dora Akunyili Women Development Centre Awka, the chairperson of ASAA Comrade Ezeonwumelu Vivian Chika in her address of welcome enumerated many ill treatments experienced by her disability group as a result of the colour of their skin.
“Persons with Albinism are denied employment opportunities because the employers think PWAs are not competent.
“Children with Albinism are not given educational rights like others while getting married to an albino is perceived as taboo”
She noted that persons with albinism are human being and ought to be treated alike.

Comrade Ezeonwumelu called on the government of Anambra state to assist them in providing free or subsidized medical care to reduce high rate of skin cancer in the Albinism Community. She further emphasized the need for the inclusiveness of PWAs in societal development.
In her goodwill message the Woman Leader, Association of Anambra State Women with Disabilities (AASWOWD) Comrade Ncheta Nwanokwara charged persons with albinism especially women with albinism to always seek alternative ways to end Domestic Violence. She decried the high increase of Domestic Violence experienced on a daily bases and called for patience and tolerance.
“Persons with albinism especially women most always be ambassadors of peace and standout wherever they find themselves.”
In his own speech, the chairman Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD) Anambra State Chapter Comrade Ugochukwu Ernest Okeke stated that it’s not business as usual as matters of persons with disabilities are now treated as subject of right and no longer object of charity.
He explained that passing Anambra State Disability Rights Law ASDRL since 2018 has continued to propel Anambra State as the light of the nation as Anambra State remains the only state in South East that has a law that protects the rights of persons with disabilities.
“The incoming of Prof Soludo’s government, most especially our new Commissioner of Women and Social Welfare, Madam Ify Obinabo is a prayer answered for the Disability Community as we had earlier prayed that God will bless us with a person that will understand our plights and consolidate on the existed achievements so far.
“The synergy between the Ministry of Women and Social Welfare and Disability Community especially JONAPWD cannot be over emphasized.
“I join voices with Persons with Albinism in the state to say no to discrimination and marginalisation meted on PWAs.
” Children with albinism should be allowed to wear long sleeves to school to help protect their skins and also allow to sit at front rows in class to easy sighting”.
Comrade Okeke noted that these are policies worthy of implementing.
The Commissioner of Women and Social Welfare, Madam Ify Obinabo, represented by the Director of Women Affairs, Mrs Hope Ekesiobi encouraged persons with Albinism to always work on their self-esteem and disregard the negative perception the society has towards them.
“No human on earth is ever complete, therefore refuse to be intimidated by what the public make of you.
“In you lies great potentials waiting to be explored.
“If you see something say something, if you’re intimidated or molested in any form, speak out don’t die in silence.”
She advised parents with children with albinism to endeavour to train their children in school as persons with albinism can excel in any profession if given the opportunity.
Lending her voice, the representative of the Director of Rehab Department, Mrs. Uchendu Bennis noted that persons with albinism are fully unique and endowed with different capabilities and natural intelligence.
“No matter the level of discrimination or stigmatisation which we discourage, strive to be the best and don’t allow anybody to talk down on you because of your colour.”
Miss Osaro Philips and Miss Calista John took time to share their experiences as persons with albinism and called for more awareness programs to educate persons with albinism on healthy living and as well sensitise the public on how best to relate with PWAs.
The head of Admin Department Anambra State Disability Rights Commission, Mr. Samuel Okoro, chairmen of National Association of the Blind and Anambra State Association of the Deaf, Comrade Okamelu Ernest and Comrade Amobi, as well as the Public Relation Officer of Jonapwd Comrade Ifeanyi Igwegbe were all present at the event.