Grace Alexander’s Tips On How Parents Can Manage The Impact Of Caring For Children With Disabilities

The Albino Foundation Public Notice
Raji Ade Oba,
- Grace Alexander, Founder of Star Children Development Initiative, holds a powerful seminar, titled, the Impact of Parental care of Children with Disabilities on their parents’ mental health
- The Symposium was held on zoom and in-person concurrently. Parents, carers, including a bevy of high-profiled educationists, disability rights advocates, and social workers from the Uk and Nigeria were present at the event–remotely and in-person
- Grace Alexander, who is also the Lead Convener, Uk Summit, had flown into the country to spend quality time with parents and guardians of children with disabilities, making compelling and convincing notes of self-acceptance, self-care, and self-confidence as essential tools for being model parents of children with disabilities
- The host and the UK-trained speakers who all had a disabled child of their own in the house, admonished parents of children with disabilities to see joy and blessings disguised as a disability in their children and to accept and show them, love
- Women who care for children with disabilities make amazing testimonies about the financial and psychosocial hardships they face before their life-changing encounter with Grace Alexander, who shared with them real-life, practice-informed tools for overcoming the strain of caring for a child with a disability
Star Children Development Initiative organized a symposium in Ibadan—via Zoom and in-person. The seminar was aimed at parents and guardians of children with disabilities, including special education teachers, social workers, and educational professionals.
Star Children Development Initiative is a nonprofit International organization that promotes equality and social justice for persons with disabilities most especially children, their caregivers from poor socio-economic backgrounds, youths and women.
Titled, the Impact of Parental care of Children with Disabilities on their parent’s mental health, the theme of the seminar was to empower attendees with contemporary information about how to effectively and efficiently care for their children with disabilities.
“It is hard for any parent to see their child suffer a disability, but we want you to know that it is not the end of the world. I did go through the worst traumatic moments of my life when, at age 5, my last child had begun to show unusual symptoms of developmental delay, including epilepsy.”
Madam Alexander had recounted her story during an interview on the birthday anniversary of her son, who is affectionately known as “Prof”.
Qualitative Magazine