The Albino Foundation Public Notice
By Isah Danjuma Oboni
The Deaf Women Aloud Initiative (DWAI) has launched a project entitled “Advancing the Rights of Deaf Women And Girls In Nigeria”. The project was launched in Abuja and funded by Disability Rights Fund (DRF).
Mrs Hellen Beyioku·- Alase, the Executive Director Of Deaf Women Aloud Iniitiative (DWAI) at the occasion explained that the aims of the project is to create awareness, raise consciousness about Deaf Women and Girls, and ensure an inclusive implementation of existing laws, policies and program.

She added that the project is aimed at preventing gender based violence and providing sexual and reproductive health services, in line with United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) Articles 6 and 16.
Helen said, “Deaf Women and Girls are currently living in obscurity deprivation and silent misery. One of the most serious obstacles preventing them from achieving full justice in issues of Gender Based Violence is because of their invisible disabilities of hearing impairment which makes it hard for them to report cases of Gender Based Violence.”
“Presently, many women and women with disabilities across the globe are standing up for their rights to make decisions for their lives, health as well as prevent sexual and gender based violence (SGBV).
“It’s unfortunate that Deaf Women who also have the same sexual and reproductive health {SRH) rights as other women, often face barriers in information and services. The society and individuals see Deaf women as unfit to make informed decision about their sexual and reproductive health rights and prefer to make decision for them
although the governments and private organizations are increasing their efforts to alleviate the consequences of Gender Based Violence in the society. Deaf women are unlikely .to benefit from policies and programmes intended to address such problems. For example, the Sexual Assault Response Centers (SARC) police stations, hospitals are readily available for women ·but not deaf women as they cannot access such services due to communication barriers”

“We hope that at the end of this project we will be able to produce a comprehensive training manual on Gender based violence for Deaf Women and young girls in Nigeria, improve Deaf women knowledge on Gender Based Violence and its consequences, and also provide guideline for reporting of GBV related issues.”
She also called on government and non-government organizations, international communities, Agencies or Institutions to ensure full inclusion of sign language in all programmes and projects.
Mr. Theophilous Odaudu, Program Manager, Disability Rights Fund (DRF), explained that the project will assist in improving awareness among PWDs and deaf women and girls in particular, he stated that DRF is proud and happy to support this noble project by DWAI.
He said “DRF is committed to support and fund projects targeted at creating access for women and girls to prevent sexual and other forms of violence and to educate target groups on redress mechanism in case of violence against PWD”.
“DRF look forward to an out come from this project that will greatly influence andf affect PWD to prevention and redress of violence”
“Hope that the aim and objectives of this project will be realized and make life for women and girls with disabilities better”
In a goodwill message by the DG National Orientation Agency (NOA) , Dr. Garba Abiri, represented by Grace Maman from the Agency stated that NOA along with its mandate to enlighten the general public on policies, programs and projects of the government, through value orientation against vices, is happy to be associated with DWAI and the project.
He states “The agency has embarked on various sensitization against sexual base violence in young Nigerians, the agency has taken such to schools, both public and private institutions with the project “say no to Rape”.
“The project has explained the responsibility of teachers and parents in preventing sexual based violence, and the consequence of rape.
It is good to know that DWAI is complementing the government initiative in this area and eradicate the maniac from the society.
In the same vein, Bimbo Faloye, Head Strategic Communication & External Engagement of Marie Stopes International Organization, Nigeria explained that Marie Stopes International Organization, an Ngo focus on Delivering quality, voluntary and affordable reproductive health and family planning services to Nigerians.
He stated “In doing so, we became one of the few providers of long-acting and voluntary, permanent contraception in Nigeria, and through the hard work of our dedicated teams are helping to increase awareness and contraception usage across the country.”
“We are happy to partner with DWAI in this project of Sexual based violence against deaf women and children.”
“We are an inclusive organization advocating for and building awareness in reproductive health for PWD in Nigeria.”