Assistive Technology Assessment – Capacity (ATA-C) – Developed by the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. Report 2021

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Albino Foundation Public Notice


Developed by the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc.

Report Validated: August 2021


This Assistive Technology Capacity Assessment (ATA-C) report provides a high-level overview of Nigeria’s capacity to procure and provide assistive technology that appropriately meets its population needs. The assessment reviews the current assistive technology financing and service entitlements on the national benefits package, as well as existing legislation, policies, products, and services provided through the public, private, and non-governmental sectors. The assessment findings will allow the country to better understand the current landscape for assistive technology and will help inform the development and refinement of the national action plan to improve access to assistive technology in Nigeria


Assistive technology (AT) is an umbrella term covering the systems and services related to the delivery of assistive products and services1. Worldwide, over one billion (largely disabled and older) people need AT, a number predicted to rise to two billion by 2050. Yet only 1 in every 10 people who need AT – to learn, to work or to fully participate in their communities – have access. This gap is even more prominent across low-resourced settings, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The AT sector faces multiple market barriers both in the supply of appropriate, affordable, and quality products and in demand for these products by users, service providers, and national health systems. Appropriate AT is defined as assistive products and related services which meet the user’s needs and environmental conditions, is properly fitted and prescribed, safe and durable for use. Appropriate AT can be obtained, maintained, and repaired with provided services in the country at an affordable cost. A well-functioning health system that has the capacity to provide assistive products and services at an affordable price and in a timely manner is instrumental to ensuring equitable access to AT.


The purpose of the AT Capacity Assessment is to collect key pieces of information related to AT financing, procurement, and provision in a country or region. This assessment can serve as a foundational element to support countries, in building out or improving systems for AT financing, procurement, and provision, in two ways:

1. Raising awareness: the information obtained from this assessment can improve a country’s knowledge and understanding of their current AT landscape, specifically, their capacity for AT financing, procurement and provision. This assessment can be carried out periodically in order to monitor and evaluate AT landscape over time

2. Policy and program design: the information obtained from this assessment can support AT policy and/or program design and implementation by enabling countries to supply and provide appropriate, quality AT that is available and affordable to all. This assessment can be carried out periodically to monitor and evaluate AT policies and programs over time.

AT Capacity Assessment can act as a standalone tool. However, it can better inform the design of national action plans/programs when it is complemented by a household survey on population need for assistive technology (such as the WHO rapid need assessment tool for AT under development). The combined information between population needs and a system’s capacity could better inform policy and program design in appropriately meeting population needs, particularly in relation to procurement and provision requirements.

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