“Albinism Is Not A Curse, Neither Is It Contagious”- As Anambra State Albinism Association Appreciate Nigerians

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

Following the successful celebration of  2022 International Albinism Awareness Day, The Chairperson, Anambra State Albinism Association, Ezeonwumelu Vivian Chika has onbehalf of the Association expressed appreciation to Nigerians for the support and commitment during the day celebration in Anambra State.

The Chairperson made this known in a letter made available to INCLUSION Magazine. She said “The love we received was massive. So many people were calling to join the Anambra State Albinism Association- ASAA .  Some were interested to support us as little as they can. All these made me shade tears of Joy. 

“I am yet to recover from the euphoria of yesterday’s INTERNATIONAL ALBINISM AWARENESS DAY. I was celebrated like never before.😭 It brought so much tears of joy at the rate of love we got from friends and family.

“We pray that as many that celebrated us yesterday, they will always be celebrated. God who protects and guides persons with albinism will never forsake you.

“Please let’s not stop spreading the good news to others who are still ignorant on albinism issues. It will marvel you to know how ignorant people are on issues with persons with albinism and how powerful these information can be.

* Albinism is not a curse, neither is it contagious.

* Albinism is only on the skin, hair and eyes not in the Brain.

* Treat persons with albinism with love and stop the discrimination.

* Parents with Children with Albinism should send them to school.

* Teachers be patient with a child with Albinism. He or she may be smart but the visual impairment may be his or her problem. Do not give up on him or her.😭😭.

* Do not say no to marriage proposals just because he is a person with albinism or you as a guy will reject a true love just because your family or friends will laugh at you for marrying a person with albinism. They too deserve to love 💕💕💕 and be loved as well.

We love you all.

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