The Albino Foundation Public Notice
Center for Citizens with Disabilities CCD in collaboration Hope Alive for Possibilities Initiative (HAPI) and Spinal Cord Association of Nigeria (SCIAN) under Coalition for Disability Organization (CODO) organized a One Day training workshop for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Disability rights.
The project which geared towards changing the dehumanizing treatment meted on persons with disabilities in our airports is being supported by Disability Rights Fund (DRF).
The Executive Director, CCD, and Convener of Coalition of Disability Organizations (CODO) Mr. David Anyaele said that the project is all about enhancing the accessibility of the airports in Nigeria by persons with disabilities (PWDs). The project which is taking place in Abuja, Lagos, Plateau and Kano is providing opportunity for Persons with disabilities to engage the aviation authorities, provide them with facts that will assist them in implementation of the relevant laws to make the air transportation accessible for PWDs.
Speaking further, he said that in actualizing this objective, the knowledge of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is important for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) especially while engaging duty bearers to enhance disability inclusion.
In this vein, it become pertinent that CODO brings OPDs up to the speed on SDGs to enable them identity the goals relevant to their objectives.
The Program officer (DRF) Mr. Theophilus Odaudu in his opening remarks appreciated Coalition for organizing the workshop.
He said that DRF is eager to support OPDs that works on SDGs and UNCRPD and their goals as organization is to make sure that the welfare of persons with disabilities are catered for.
David Anyaele while facilitating sessions of the training, informed that SDGs have a lot of relationship with Disability Rights because most of the goals if well implemented will address rights of persons with disabilities.
He advised and guided that participants to understand the specific goals focusing on what they want to achieve. Again, it must also gear towards addressing Global Disability Summit (GDS) Commitments and also United Nations Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities.
TQM reports that the OPDs present identified the SDGs goals that their project is addressing and they should also focus on advocacy about GDS commitments and not forgetting the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
TQM also reports that the project has other components such as research findings about airports on several barriers faced by persons with disabilities.
Qualitative Magazine