Yusuff Olatunji Colloquium 2022: Stakeholders Urge PWDs To Get Involve In Governance And Participate In Elections

The Albino Foundation Public Notice
By Agboola David
Mr, Yusuff Olatunji CEO, Yutex group and Assistant National Secretary General, JONAPWD marked his birthday by organizing a Maiden Edition of Colloquium with theme Promoting Democratic Inclusion, Uniting The Nation towards Achieving Disability Friendly Electoral Process For Good Governance in Nigeria.
While appreciating dignitaries who found time to honour his invitation, he said that the importance of government in our lives cannot be over emphasis because government play a key role in the peaceful social development of the country economy and for persons with disabilities (PWDs) to have a good fair of freedom we have to be inclusive in this present democracy in Nigeria.
“We all know the society is not well structured and we PWDs are not being considered that is why many PWDs are facing or going through many difficulties”.
Moreso, he said the most important reason of this colloquium is to create more awareness and educate PWDs to know more about democracy and get more involve in government activities especially now the general elections is around the corner.
“No one should be left behind they need to get registered and go get their PVC to votes for the right candidate of their choice”.
However, Mr, Biodun Onikate-Amosu Administrative Secretary INEC OYO state said: “It’s my pleasure to welcome you all to this unique forum, organized by the Yusuff Olatunji to educate and sensitize PWDs on the need for their active participation in the electoral process in the nation by ensuring that every eligible voters is adequately carried along in the electoral process so as to ensure inclusivity in the electioneering process.
Furthermore, he said INEC has developed a framework on access and participation of PWD in the electoral process the policy document is aimed at the inclusion of PWD in all aspects of the electoral process, as well as reducing the barriers they face as voters,aspirants,candidates,party officials and staff within the commission.
“Also, I will like to extend the hand of cooperation to private sector too, to also employ more PWDs”.
“Private individuals should also put their resources to good use, supporting PWD that are qualified and will to take on this challenge, motivate them, provide for them, donate to the cause and seize the opportunity to write your name in Gold”.
“The commission will make the reality of PWDs the standard of our electioneering process but I would like to make a clarion call to this community to please break the barriers further by contesting in various political positions”.
“Don’t just settle for the less of being appointed as advisers or assistants, you can as well contest and win, you can then go ahead to appoint advisers and assistants as well.
DREAM BIG! was prominent in the speech of Engr. Professor S.A. Olagoke JP, he said that Disability is yet to be seen as a developmental issue in Nigeria because it is grossly under-represented in legislative processes and outcomes.
“Instead, it has become a political weapon of campaign driven by social sympathy rather than empathy in our institutional arrangements”.
Professor Olagoke JP further stated that, right democratic practice is the solution.
“This will make easy claims for disability benefits by encouraging governments, private companies and unions to search for ways to get PWDs on the track of work or employment in line with the stand of the international labour organization (ILO)”
“We have to work the talk of the challenges facing disability, Democracy and the rules of law to be able to raise the hope of the people for realizable prospects of the positive impact of democracy driven by the rules of law”.
“This can only be possible through voting in credible leaders that are visionary and selfless in governance disposition with high passion for the people they are to govern through promotion of inclusive society where no one is marginalized including the women and the PWDs”.
“Above all, let us integrate the PWDs for them to naturally manage themselves with happiness and hope for destiny realization because there’s ability in disability”.