4th WFD Conference to hold in Bangkok, Thailand in April

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

The Albino Foundation Public Notice

4th WFD Conference to hold in Bangkok, Thailand in April

The World Federation of the Deaf disclosed that it will hold her 4th WFD Conference in Bangkok, Thailand in April, 2022. This was published by the federation on their website.

The Federation states that “the conference has a new format with a focus on capacity building amongst our Ordinary Members to address the theme of inclusive education. At this conference we will work towards answering what it means to be inclusive of deaf people in educational settings. The conference will have an online format so Ordinary Members unable to travel can participate virtually.

“Our Sign Language Rights Project with the Nippon Foundation continues in a second year. We continue to work towards our goal of supporting national deaf associations in the legal recognition of their national sign languages.“2022 is a new year with new opportunities for connection, exchange, and collaboration.

you can read more on their website https://wfdeaf.org/

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