“Thank You To DRAC” – AADWW

By Lawrence Idemudia

“All of us at Abuja Association of the Deaf Women Wing (AADWW) Say a big thank you to DRAC” said the Chairperson of Abuja Association of the Deaf Women Wing, Janet Fasakin, “for DRAC continuous support and assistance given to our members. Both in mentorship, empowerment and a lot more. Today at Denis Hotel, some of our members were present at the Free eyes test and to God glory, none was Diagnosed of glaucoma.”

Disability Rights Advocacy Center (DRAC) is an NGO conceived to provide the much-needed voice and lead a movement that champions a more organized and strategic response to disability issues with a development mindset.

DRAC as a leader in Nigeria in disability advocacy, legal rights of Women and Girls with Disability, Disability Reproductive and Health Rights and other Disabilities issues, it always aligns itself to any immediate needs of PWDs as the needs arise.

Among these tested are all clusters of persons with disabilities, in appreciation Janet Fasakin, the Chairperson of the Abuja Association of the Deaf Women Wing said “Thank you DRAC . For all you do to save Humanity. We at AADWW Say Thank You DRAC”

AADWWAssociation of the Deaf Women Wing (AADWW)Deaf WomenDisability Rights Advocacy CenterJanet Fasakin
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