Only 2% Of Children With Disabilities Get Formal Education’ – Ekaete

National President, Joint National Association for Persons with Disabilities, Ekaite Umoh, says statistics shows that only two percent of Persons With Disabilities (PWD) are able to get formal education.

2021 Children Day Celebration by INCLUSION Magazine

She said an inclusive education would help reduce illiteracy among the group.

In an event organised in Abuja yesterday to mark the Children’s Day for children with disabilities by Inclusion Magazine, Imoh blamed lack of conducive educational environment for the high rate of out-of-school children among persons with disabilities.

Abuja School for the Deaf drama performance during the 2021 Children Day Celebration

She asked: “Why are we so uneducated? Why are we not going to school? It started from the beginning, perhaps our parents thought we’re not going to be a long-term investment, we’re hidden away because of social stigma. So, we’re hidden away.”

Abuja School for the Blind music performance during the 2021 Children Day Celebration

Earlier, Publisher and Chief Executive Officer of Inclusion Magazine, Alhaj Hussaini Abdulrahman, urged parents to be positive with the challenges their children were facing as attitude was changing over the world towards PWD.

He noted that the global initiative inclusive policy initiatives would help bridge the gap in the way PWDs were viewed.

Special Need Children cultural display during the 2021 Children Day Celebration

“Together, let’s fight to make Nigeria an inclusive society, where the children who are leaders of tomorrow will not be discriminated or stigmatized for the reasons of disability, but rather join hands to build a progressive nation,” he said.

Abuja School for the Deaf drama performance during the 2021 Children Day Celebration
Special Need Children cultural display during the 2021 Children Day Celebration
Abuja School for the Deaf cultural display during the 2021 Children Day Celebration
Abuja School for the Deaf cultural display during the 2021 Children Day Celebration
2021 Children’s DayAbujaAbuja School for the BlindAbuja School for the DeafChairman and Publisher of Inclusion MagazineChildren With DisabilitiesChildren’s Daydisability educationdisability newsEducationEkaete UmohfirsGarki Model Science Primary SchoolHussaini AbdulrahmanInclusion Magazineinclusion newsinclusive education in nigeriaJoint National Association for Persons with DisabilitiesJONAPWDKujeNational PresidentNCPWDPersons with disabilitiesPremier International Schoolrural homesSai-man Special Care CentreSchool for Special Need KujeUNICEFurban shelterusaid
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