Gallaudet President Cordano In Europe To Advance Deaf, Sign Language Global Reach 

By Robert Weinstock

President Cordano is in Europe this week and next, advancing the university’s global connections. She presented on Wednesday at the Zero Project Conference: Inclusive Education and ICT in Vienna, Austria. Her presentation was titled “Belonging and Bilingualism: Catalysts for Inclusive Education/Excellence in the 21st Century.” While in Vienna, she visited the United Nations, the United States Embassy, and a deaf school, and met with several distinguished members of the education and diplomatic communities. She will present at the Austrian Parliament tomorrow.  

Next week, President Cordano will be in Sofia, Bulgaria. While there, she will keynote a conference hosted by Deaf.BG, a non-governmental organization, or NGO, and meet with diplomats, educators, and members of the Bulgarian deaf community. 

The overarching objective of President Cordano’s visits to Austria and Bulgaria is to enhance Gallaudet University’s global visibility by showcasing its expertise and contributions on the international stage, with the President playing an active role in global initiatives and collaborations. This might include recruiting international students to attend Gallaudet for their undergraduate and graduate studies,  creating and implementing summer abroad programs, exchange and training programs, educational and research partnerships, and internship and international study opportunities.

Credit: Gallaudet University

Austria.Gallaudet President Cordano In Europe To Advance Our Global ReachGallaudet UniversityInclusive Education and ICT in ViennaPresident CordanoRobert Weinstock
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